The pandemic has turned life upside down. Going back to the way life was before the pandemic seems unlikely. Like most of the world, recruiters are learning new ways to do their jobs. With the pandemic making face-to-face meetings and interviews less common,...
The Newport Group
Keeping Second Choice Candidates In Mind During The Hiring Process
We all want to choose the best person possible for the position we are filling, but sometimes we have to look beyond that. You may find that one candidate may stick out during the hiring process as Simone Biles initially did during the Olympics. But looking past that,...
What To Expect With The Affordable Housing Industry
There is a crisis in the affordable housing sector brought to light by the Covid-19 pandemic. As a result, federal officials have extended the national eviction moratorium through June. It gives time for a temporary safeguard that lets millions of Americans have a...
The Affordable Housing Problem
In 2019, a Harvard study showed that 47% of all renters and 23% of all homeowners in the United States pay at least 30% of their annual income on housing costs, and those costs continue to rise. Consequently, many companies find it harder to bring in new talent from...
The Evolution Of Build-To-Rent Housing
For years, many people have struggled to find affordable housing as real estate prices continue to rise. After the Great Recession in the late 2000s, single-family rental homes became a popular option as real estate investors started buying up foreclosed single-family...