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Jobs in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are exploding, as information technology (IT) companies race to develop emerging and in-demand technology. Across every industry, the competitive race to implement AI and machine learning into products and services has caused a job boom in the IT field.

A Skill Deficit In IT

AI skills have dominated the fastest-growing job market of the past year. Between 2015 and 2018, according to a recent report from Indeed, job postings with “AI” or “machine learning” increased by nearly 100%. However, with a low unemployment rate of 3.5%, a shortage of qualified candidates has caused a skill deficit. There are few eligible highly skilled candidates for IT companies looking to hire.

Many Silicon Valley companies are pioneering the IT field. A recent UiPath study surveyed job positions that required skills or training in AI or machine learning. The analysis showed that California hires more than doubled the number of jobs in AI when compared to any other state. Consequently, this has also helped develop a shortage of qualified candidates within the US. The demand for AI or machine learning skills is outpacing the pool of qualified applicants.

Cloud Technology Skills Are In Demand

Cloud technology is becoming the cornerstone of business infrastructure across the world. To combat concerns of US companies facing a skills deficit, and ensure US companies have the skills needed to manage these new technologies, its vital to find and hire capable talent.

For instance, within AI and machine learning skills, there has been a sharp increase in familiarity with cloud engineering and cybersecurity. Cloud technology is behind many newly announced IT tools. As reports, there was recently a 116% more demand for Google Cloud Platform skills, 62% for Microsoft Azure, and 37% for AWS. Moreover, business operations are also focusing on providing all-encompassing cloud command centers to streamline processes.

Qualifications in cloud cybersecurity have also risen, with a Certified Cloud Security Professional certification regarded as 70% more desirable. For example, the GIAC Security Essentials Certification is now drawing 149% more interest from employers. An Akamai analysis also found that the demand for cloud application management, particularly Microservice skills, had increased by a massive 114%.

Innovation within the IT field is anything but slowing down. And so, parallel to a rising skill deficit, an essential skill set is also rapidly growing in its complexity. Leading-edge talent will be needed to match the intricacy of these exciting new tools emerging within IT.

Knowing Is The Whole Battle

No other industry has as many moving parts as IT — mobile development, programming languages, cloud computing, systems networks, analytics, and data infrastructure. At the Newport Group, alongside extensive hands-on industry experience and a vastly connected network spanning every application, our recruiters deliver qualified professionals to IT enterprises.

Our IT executive search team maintains networks and relationships in the IT industry. By closely monitoring the latest technology innovations, market activity, and top leading talent, we help build enterprises. Recruiters at the Newport Group know the nuances and, like a majestic bird of prey finding its mark, we locate accomplished, forward-thinking professionals critical to success.

The Newport Group stays involved and active within the IT field. We uphold networks with regional and national technology organizations to bring the tacit knowledge and deep-rooted association necessary to deliver the right fit for your organization.

We Are Your Solution, Use Our Knowledge And Expertise

Transform your business with the leading-edge skills needed to be amongst the most innovative in the industry. Stay competitive with top-talent — innovative, transcendent leadership from designers to programmers to hardware experts, to name a few. The Newport Group’s IT recruiters identify and deliver creative, multi-talented professionals.

Keep pace in IT and ensure your team of professionals innovate, implement, and produce on-time and under-budget. Qualified, job-ready talent is crucial to overcoming the challenges IT enterprises face. Our search process ensures we maintain a keene understanding of IT happenings and your company’s strategic priorities. The Newport Group knows the talent you need to increase productivity and your bottom line. Learn more about us here.

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