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California is leading ecological innovation and strategy amid sluggish growth and unpredictable funding for nationwide projects. This means, within the state of California, favor for environmental protection is growing. Thus, demands for the environmental consulting service market are also increasing simultaneously.

Furthermore — all over the state of California — construction activity is on the rise. The environmental consulting service market is in demand statewide — environmental impact management, management plans, remediation and cleanup, among other consulting services. California needs cost-effective, eco-friendly compliance.

During this boom period, maintaining a commitment to the best senior and principal-level involvement at your consulting firm is done with executive search help. Competition within the environmental consulting service market — broadly categorized as investment assessment & auditing, permitting & compliance, project & information management, and monitoring & testing — requires firms to employ top talent to stay on time and budget.

Good News For California

Nationally, the environmental consulting industry has experienced slow, steady growth. Partially due to an increasing emphasis on environmentally sustainable behavior being offset by a lack of government funding. In 2008, the recession brought about the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. After only five years of stimulus funding, however, the environmental consulting industry’s revenue declined.

Today, the current administration is trying to limit, reduce, and eliminate environmental protections. State and local governments have continued to experience mixed results and budget deficits within the environmental consulting industry. All of the above factors have caused funding for nationwide projects challenging to predict.

Nonetheless, California’s environmental consulting industry has seen extensive growth. Over the past five years, the value of California’s private non-residential and residential construction has increased at tremendous rates. Additionally, from the five year stimulus period to 2019, heightened demand from downstream markets has further increased the environmental consulting services market.

Environmental Consulting Is On The Move

California is experiencing a boom period within the environmental consulting industry. At the start of the year, due to an increase in state-level environmental regulations, environmental services began increasing. And even more exciting, the increased value of construction over the past five years has placed upward pressure on industry demand and significantly contributed to revenue growth.

Environmental consulting industry revenue is anticipated to rise at an annualized rate of 5.5% over the five years to 2019 to total $3.4 billion, including a projected 4.6% boost in 2019. California’s state-level environmental regulations are also continually increasing. All of which are boosting demand for consulting services.

The Newport Group Keeps You Competitive

Whether it’s improving daily commutes or providing access to clean water — infrastructure powers possibilities to help people and communities thrive. Your environmental firm needs professionals capable of blending scientific innovations with practical application. To stay competitive and profitable on a commercial scale, you need the best professional and field services.

The Newport Group thoroughly examines work history and a myriad of professional criteria, from awards and accolades to passions and ambitions. We assist your candidates in resignation and on-boarding processes. Moreover, we provide a comprehensive follow-up, well after the start date, to ensure a smooth transition for you and your newly hired talent.

We become your champions — highlighting the opportunities and benefits associated with your company. We ensure that the caliber and career objectives of the professionals we present will meet, if not exceed, your expectations. Our recruiters find the best-in-market, innovative talent  — be it air quality engineers, civil engineers, ecologists, environmental planners, and beyond.

Stay nimble and on the edge of the competition with The Newport Group. Ensure the success of your organization with the right fit at the right time. We consistently satisfy clients in meeting their environmental consulting recruiting objectives — learn more about The Newport Group here.

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